Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Good Day...

Today was a good day.  I have decided to write just a little bit because it was a good day and I am working on recognizing the good.  My wonderful friend Bridget reminded me to focus on the good by asking "what are the positives right now?".  I have found myself focusing on how much I miss things or how my life is so different now and all the challenges.  While all of this is very difficult, there are a lot of positives as well.   We had a great evening as a family.  It finally felt like our complete family, not the bigs and littles.  Daniel and Lydia read books and played with Jack and Charlie in the family room while Jay and I sat on the couch.  We had a great family dinner then went downstairs for some play time.  Jack worked on his hitting and Jay put Daniel and Lydia behind the pitching net while he pitched to Jack.  They loved it!!  After Jack hit a bucket we all picked up all the balls and put them back in the bucket, then they proceeded to throw the balls at Jay and I and we picked them all up again!  Good times!  We came upstairs and before you know it, it was bath time!  Daniel allowed me to play with him and interact with him even while Jay was around, which very rarely happens.  Yesterday was a harder day so it was such a blessing to have a good day today.  Praying for tomorrow!  I got an email from my friend in Chad Africa who has a very difficult life to say the least.  She said her prayer for me and for herself was that we would rest in God in the daily grind as well as experience God's rest upon us. Please pray this with us!  Jay has a dinner meeting tomorrow night so I will be handling the bedtime routine alone.  Please pray that it goes smoothly.  Thank you again for your continued support!  

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