Monday, February 4, 2013


So I am continually amazed at the people who are following this blog because it seems kind of self focused to be writing about our life to so much.  I am so grateful for all the support we are receiving from so many people.  The meals people have been providing have been such an incredible blessing.  I really can't thank people enough!!  I am also amazed at how specific prayer has been answered.  When I have asked you all to pray, you have prayed and God has shown up in a big way!!  From getting the kids down when Jay was gone to the social worker affirming their attachment and even for Lydia to sleep!  I am trying to think of some of the milestones lately.  We visited the International Adoption Clinic on Friday and got a good report from the psychologist and nurse practitioner that specializes in international adoption. We do have to have some blood work done and stool samples, but so far it looks like we have healthy kids!  We have been trying to figure out what the best schedule is for our family.  I have been able to get the littles down for a nap during the day but that made bedtime a challenge.  We found ourselves spending so much time getting them down that we were missing the whole evening with our bigs.  So we are foregoing the naps and having some time in the room in the afternoon.  They are sooooo tired in the afternoon.  Lydia fell asleep eating her snack at 3 yesterday and today she was sitting in the back of Daniel's truck while he was motoring around and I saw her nod off.  Yikes!!  Daniel pretty much melts down about everything after 4:00, but when 7:00 comes around, they are begging to go to sleep and we get a good chunk of time with our other kids.  It makes for a long day, but the evenings are worth it.  It was hard having my mom leave on Saturday.  She was such good company!  I have some things scheduled with friends to give me things to look forward to. It's been fun lately to see the excitement Daniel and Lydia have when the older kids come home.  They are so excited to give them a hug. They know their family and love to look at all the pictures around the house and say each of their names.  

I was able to get to church on Sunday and needed to hear the sermon.  I have found myself wallowing in how difficult this is, and forgetting to focus on the character of God and what He has promised me.  He is faithful and I know that He provides just what I need and will continue to do that throughout these little people's lives.  It's easy to have joy when life is not challenging, but so much more difficult to have joy when life is challenging.  God doesn't call us to comfort and that's not the life Jesus lived but He does tell us we can have joy in the midst of difficult circumstances.  I am making a conscious effort to focus on inviting the joy of Jesus into every minute of my day with the little ones and today was a good day.  Not because they were especially good, but because my perspective was different. Pray that I will be reminded to do this every day.  In Jay's words pray that I will be able to "suck it up!"  If you want to hear this inspiring sermon by Troy Loether go to Kettlebrook .org and download it!  It's challenging, but worth it!! 

Every time I sit down to write this I am exhausted so I know it is scattered. I have a few pictures my mom took that are really good so I'll share those with you.  Good night dear friends!

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