Saturday, March 9, 2013

We are still alive!!

Hello All!!  I know it's been awhile since I've written but life has kept me a little occupied.  To be honest, I don't feel very articulate in my writing and usually by the time I sit down to write I am a little brain dead from exhaustion.  We are truly settling into a routine.  Daniel and Lydia are like sponges and it is amazing how much they have learned already.  They are learning their colors and are counting to ten when we build with blocks.  We are constantly labeling things as we go through the day and they try to repeat just about everything we say.  They absolutely adore the big kids and talk about them all day long.  They say each name, then say bye bye I wuv u, see ya.  When they get home from school they run to the door screaming and lift their arms for a hug.  They love playing with the bigs and Sally has been known to have quite the Taylor Swift dance party in her room!!   Jay's mom gave them each a shovel and they love to go outside every day and shovel.  Daniel shovels the snow onto the driveway instead of off, but they can do this for a half hour.  We'll have to come up with something else now that the snow is melting!!  They absolutely love Barney, of all things.  It is the only show they will watch, and as irritating as it is, it is a life saver for me at about 2:30 when we are waiting for everyone to get home.  Daniel has completely regressed on potty training, which is common for kids that have experienced any big change in their life.  I am trying to just be ok with this but we do talk about going potty on the potty pot quite a bit and when he goes we give a good cheer.  Tonight we were giving them a bath and Jay went potty on the potty pot and they both cheered, "yeah Daddy" when he was done.  Too funny!! 

Please continue to pray for us.  While I am writing about the good things that are happening, it is a challenging time for us.  Please pray too for the many orphans in the Congo and around the world in desperate need of a family.  Some of our dear friends are on their way home from the Congo as we speak bringing home their beautiful newly adopted son.  They have shared some of what they have experienced visiting orphanages and touring the city and we can only imagine the fate of our dear Daniel and Lydia if they weren't in our family.  While it doesn't make it easier, it does give us perspective.  When I listen to them laugh or sing or eat every drop of food from their bowl, I do pause and think of what promise they hold.  May God use their precious lives to bring Him glory.
 Lydia found Jase's hat!! 
 Snow Day!!

 The crazy aunts paid us a visit!!
 Aunt Lynne came too!!  What a blessing!!


Thank you all for your continued support!!  We could not make it through this without your many visits, cards, texts, e-mails, meals, prayer and the list goes on!!

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